
This category provides an overview of the company, its history, some background information on them, what other sources say and what the company does. homepage

ALERT | SageFX Review: Is it Legit or a Scam?

SageFX is an offshore foreign exchange broker that was established not too long ago, in the year 2020 but is not regulated by any governmental body. Bitcoins can be used to make deposits and withdrawals, and the broker provides high leverage of up to 1:500, a diverse selection of trading products, and the opportunity to trade using bitcoins.

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ALERT | Review: Is it Legit or a Scam? also asserts that it will bring all your investments in line with your financial goals. In other words, leave the money that you may need in the short term for more aggressive investments, and reserve these investment funds for the money that you intend to raise in the long term.

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Zenfinex Homepage

ALERT | Zenfinex Review: Is it Legit or a Scam

At first glance, the website appears to be rather credible. It has a good layout and is organized to display all the important information a trader could need. And there’s a good reason for that since is an example of what we refer to as a clone website—a well-known scam.

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DirectEnergy Limited Homepage

ALERT | DirectEnergy Limited Review: Is it Legit or a Scam

We looked for a lot more information about the company on the UK business registry since it claims to operate in the UK. But, no company information was found at all. It looks like they had copied the registration information of an existing company and added it all to their website, and say that it is theirs

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