Instant Warning About The Council Tax Rebate Scam As People Are Losing Tons of Money

People who have actually given out their details have noticed that a huge amount of money is actually deducted from their bank account right after the phone call. Always be in mind that the Local Government Association never asks for your bank account details over a phone call. Keep on reading to find out more!
May 27, 2022
Tax Rebates

Scammers nowadays are using the Government’s Council Tax Rebate scheme in order to target people and get a hold of their money, ultimately emptying their bank accounts. The Government has actually given people across the country 150 for their energy bills after there has been a really huge increase in the cost of gas as well as electricity since the start of April. 

The money in England is actually coming in the form of a rebate off Council Tax Payment. However, consumer champions have actually warned that these scammers are using the amazing scheme to actually steal cash. The Local Government Association has also warned that the recent rise of the cold calls that are offering energy rebates are actually scams!

The Rebate Now Costs More Than £150

Rebate Scam

According to this, the scammers actually claim that they are associated with the council and start giving a really long speech. They explain that a refund is due, and they end up asking you for your bank account details in order to pay out the rebate that costs £150. 

People who have actually given out their details have noticed that a huge amount of money is actually deducted from their bank account right after the phone call. Always be in mind that the Local Government Association never asks for your bank account details over a phone call. 

Each and every household in England in council tax bands A to D are eligible for the rebate, which does not need to be repaid at all. People who are going to pay for the council tax by direct debit are going to receive the amount in their bank account right away. However, if you do not pay the council tax through direct debit, here you will receive a letter with a lot of details regarding how to claim the amount. 

The Government also announced that the rebate support system is in response to the spike in energy bills, with payment being administered by local authorities for households in certain council tax bands. The payments are due between April and September. However, the scammers are quickly looking for the perfect opportunity through which they can steal money from those who are still waiting to hear from the council regarding details on how and when they are going to be paid. The people who pay by debit card are going to be paid automatically, while others could easily become scam victims. 

The Local Government Association has also mentioned that anyone out there who receives a text, call, or email unexpectedly that seeks information or payment, is a scam. You should never give out your personal information this way, including different bank details, links, and other things, unless you are 100% sure that it is completely real and that you are not being scammed. They also say that the variations of the scam are also being sent through text messages as well as email. 

A spokesperson has actually said that you should not be tempted to respond to such emails as well as texts. If you haven’t paid your council tax by direct debit, then you should actually wait in order to receive your letter from the council that is going to explain to you how to claim the rebate.

How Can You Spot A Council Tax Rebate Scam

Tax Rebate Scam

Thinking of ways to spot a council tax rebate scam? Well, there are loads of tactics that scammers out there use in order to get your money. Some of these include: 

  • They are going to ask you for your bank account details so that they can provide a refund. This is when they are going to steal your money from the bank account. Your local authority may contact you through the phone, text, or email in order to tell you that your payment is late or due. However, one thing you need to keep in mind is that they are never going to ask you for your bank account or personal details. If someone does so, then you are getting scammed. 
  • The scammer might insist that they are in the wrong council tax band and are actually owed back payment on your bill. Make sure to check your council tax band through your postcode online, and the council might not contact you regarding it. 
  • They might quote the official-sounding billing authority reference for your home in order to make you fall into their trap by giving you a sense of security that is completely fake. However, you can easily access this information through online websites. 
  • The phone calls you get from scammers give you a sense of urgency as if they want you to do something right away, and if you get late, you will get into trouble. 
  • Fake websites might also pop up that look like an application process on a government website that is genuine. However, such websites are created as well designed to get a hold of your personal information so that the scammer can easily get a hold of your money. 
  • Emails, as well as texts which are sent by the scammer, contain a lot of spelling errors, bad grammar, close inspection, weird logos, and related stuff. Always keep these factors in mind for your own good. 
  • Scammers also act from a local council and claim that you need to make a payment so that they can authorize your details before paying the rebate. This way, they are going to get a hold of your money.


We have encountered victims who were mentally and emotionally drained when they were scammed out of their money. 

We can help you with your legal and technical concerns and we can help you get your money back.

What Should You Do If A Council Tax Refund Scammer Contacts You?

Realized that a scammer contacted you and is asking for your bank account details? Make sure to hang up the phone right away! If you get a text or an email, never click on the links and the attachments. 

Apart from this, if you want to understand whether the message or call is real, you should call your council for security. You can easily find the contact details on your council tax bill. You should also contact your bank right away once you have realized that it is a scam.

If you noticed large sums of money disappearing from your bank account Ezchargeback is here to help you. You can also visit our news page for more guides and updates.


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